“Great Lake” A digital painting which appeared in Midwest Nice’s “Nice;02” exhibit “Hazel Hates Drums” Created as an album cover for the band “Worm Grunter” The opening page for the comic “Broken Records” The fly-leaf page pattern for a short zine about mushrooms and illustration. An illustration from a short zine about mushrooms and design. A typeface which created for use in my comics for regular text. Selected page from the horror comic “DB,” which is readable in it’s entirety here: https://pure-venom-comic.com/category/comic/DB/ Selected page from the horror comic “DB,” which is readable in it’s entirety here: https://pure-venom-comic.com/category/comic/DB/ Selected page from the horror comic “DB,” which is readable in it’s entirety here: https://pure-venom-comic.com/category/comic/DB/ Selected page from the horror comic “DB,” which is readable in it’s entirety here: https://pure-venom-comic.com/category/comic/DB/